Fire insulation

Fire insulation for floor drains
Fire insulation for floor drains

Fire insulation for floor drains

Floor drains with vertical outlets must be safeguarded properly so that in case of fire the fire cannot spread via the drainage pipes. For this purpose, Dallmer supplies fire insulating structural elements which reliably stem the spread of fire in case of emergency. You can find out more on the function, construction, installation, fire resistance classes and fire insulation requirements in buildings here.

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Fire insulation for roof drains
Fire insulation for roof drains

Fire insulation for roof drains

If a fire breaks out in buildings with flat roofs, fire, smoke and flames can jump onto the roof via the roof drains. Therefore, all pipe sleeves and ceiling feedthroughs must be safeguarded properly and in accordance with the standards, taking into account the special requirements for roof drains in concrete surfaces, trapezoidal steel profile roofs and industrial buildings.

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Brandschutz im Baurecht
Brandschutz im Baurecht

Fire insulation in construction law

Fire insulation systems must function flawlessly in case of emergency. If fire breaks out, it is a matter of life or death whether they function or not. Therefore the requirements which formulate the relevant standards and directives are accordingly strict. In this context, the Model Building Code, the Model Conduit Systems Directives, DIN EN 12056 and DIN 4102 are particularly important.

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